Sunday, January 05, 2025
Doing My Best

Birth of a Blog

TLDR: New beginnings are good and life is (and should be) fun.

Hello and welcome to my blog! Today I am launching my site so congratulations on making it here! I’ve been hesitant on what to write for my first post, kept postponing when I was going to post, and now it’s been almost a month since I told my friends I was doing this. Well, the time has come and I am forcing myself to post! Today’s life lesson is a two part feature- yay for learning!

FIRST LESSON- Objects in motion, stay in motion but objects at rest, stay at rest!

Okay, so this might be Newton’s First Law of Motion but the guy makes a great point. The main reason I haven’t launched my site until now is basically because I’m lazy. It is kind of overwhelming to pick a hobby that I don’t know much about and frankly, I didn’t want to learn how to do all of the technical parts of running a blog other than typing my thoughts and posting. However, a close friend recently told me that I probably have analysis paralysis- basically I overthink things to the point where I don’t make any decisions or actions. To counter his argument, I verbally overthought my situation in great detail and proved his point. After that, I figured I would “yolo” and start my blog because I realized that the longer I wait, the longer the world would have to wait to hear my weird thoughts.

So here I am. Giving you insight on my deepest thoughts. If there’s anything to take away from this first lesson it’s this- You, my beautiful reader, have been wanting to do something different in your life but for some reason you’ve been putting it off; STOP WAITING AND JUST DO IT. I promise you will not regret it! Dear universe, Now that we’re all in motion, let’s stay in motion!

SECOND LESSON- A life is to be lived, not to be passed by. (A preview to this blog)

This can be stated in many cheesy ways but the point is this: I don’t want look back on my life and regret not doing something I wanted to do. Right now, my life mostly revolves around going to work and trying to decide what to do next. This blog is going to be my way to take a step back on my busy life and think about the present to understand how I can become a better person: physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, etc. Also, I want to do it for my future self to look back on and have some good lols.

I specifically chose today to launch my site because it’s my late mom’s 50th (golden!) birthday. I thought today would be a great day to remember that life is precious and that the people and adventures along the way make life memorable.

This post is dedicated to my mama on her birthday, my favorite angel watching me tell the world my deepest thoughts even though she always told me not to talk to strangers on the internet. Love you!

XOXO, Marynelle

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